Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 37: My first professional Fashion show!!!

This was my outfit

This is a picture of the media at the event

This is the stage it is actually smaller that
I thought it would be lenght wise.
So today I went back to the Alternative fashion week to see the show and I am so glad I did I am going to attempt to up load the pictures and the video. The first video is about what the area looked like before the show, the second it an overview of the show, and the ones after are of the designs. I apologize if they are fuzzy ahead of time my arms were really starting to hurt when I was filming. The entire experience was chilling because I could see myself being one of the designers that were being showcased it was just an amazing learning experience.I could not upload all the videos successfully so I am putting them on you tube and you need the link to view them. Here are the links:,
This is the last of the second
designers outfits.

This is the second designers line she mostly
focused on having the color in the hats, but the
garments are interesting.

This is the third designer and her inspiration
was animals in an enchanted forest the
garment closest to you that looks like pants with a cape is actually pants with a ruffled
back that looks like a skirt it was really interesting.

The first pose

This designers runway walk was really
interesting all of the girls got
to the end of the cat walk and did

This designer did a jean line. This was the
last pose and then one by one they all went back.

I would so wear this

The yellow with the purple dots  is so cutie

This was one of my favorite designers I loved her playful use of
color and volume.

This designer did a whole line of swimsuits. I felt really bad for
the models cause it was cold.

This designer did really interesting
things with latex and had a lot of
inspiration from Los Angles
These are the videos I have up at the moment, but since they are taking so long I will upload more later.Although here are some pictures.

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