Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 69: getting ready to finish finals

Today I worked on my last paper and then I knitted and watched Netfliks for the rest of the day in between talking to my husband about financial stuff and I got a call from my friend who I will live with in New York City I will be living in Edgewater New Jersey and will need to take a bus or ferry to work. She said that the people at her work are exited to have me come and so that makes me nervous that I will mess something up, but I will try my hardest not to. Also I found out that they do not have work that Monday because it is Memorial day so I have two days for Jet Lag which I am trying to make sure does not happen, but probably will. I am very exited to end this part of my trip and move on to the next. I will take all the good information, culture, and experiences from London and Europe with me as long as I live they will be special memory's in my hart and London has been wonderful, but I am ready to have a new experience in actually getting to work in my field with others who are living my dream of being designers!!! 3 days to go!

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