Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day 17: More homework

Today I will be making my Felt and I will also be doing some homework for my Fashion Trends class I will also do some more drawings for my Portfolio class.

So I got my felt done! It looks so cool I also Knitted with a chiffon fabric and that looks very interesting then the girls got home from going to go seeing Canterbury, the Leeds Castle and the white cliffs of Dover, so we went out to eat some dinner down the street at a place that I think used to be a movie theater. I got a burger and a pint for 4.99 pounds. I came home to get my felt and finish up on a forecasting mood board that I am working on for my Fashion trends class. Here are the pictures of my new textiles and of my mood board!!
When you go to get the supplies for felt
you have to buy wool fibers they are
usually bundled up this is a picture of
them unraveled

After you unravel the fibers you take a
piece of muslin and lay it down and you then
take the fibers and spread them out over the
muslin like shown you have to lay down
multiple layers and interchange the
direction as you go. You can also put little
pieces of fibers in with it to make designs in
the felt.

After you have as many layers as you
want the minimum of I think 2-3. You fold
the muslin over top of the felt piece
and then you bast stitch (which is a
long hand stitch used to just keep
things in place) around your felt piece
then you roll it up and put rubber bands
or in my case hair ties on either end so that
while you are washing it little pieces don't
fall out. After that you put it in the wash
with your other cloths for a normal cycle
including drying.

When it is done drying you take it out and
take out the basting and slowly and
carefully pull back the muslin because
the wool fibers will have attached to
the cotton in the muslin and TA DA! you have felt!
Felt is mostly used in hats and when they make it
on a manufacturing level a few of these steps will
be different.

The finished product
This is a plain weave fabric I made
in class.
This is my mood board for Women's
Evening Wear 2013.
This is my knit made out of chiffon.I got
a rather nice sample of chiffon out of a fabric
shop in Shepperd's bush market and so I tore it
into small pieces like you see in the top of the picture
and I knitted them together to see what it looks like.

This is a close view of my knitted chiffon.

Day 16: Exploreing

This is where I got supplies to make felt.

These strips will be stretched out and layered and then washed
to make felt!!

This is some wool yarn I got from the studio that I might put in
my felt.

This is a display at Harrods!

Today I needed to go get some supplies for my textiles class so I had to try to find a store called The Hand weavers Studio and Gallery for felt supplies. Rachel came with me; we took the tube and by the time we got there we realized that we could have just walked. Then we went to go find a store called Pandora that sells designer secondhand designer clothing. It was Right down the street from Harrods. It was gorgeous clothing, but even at the second hand price it was way too much for me.

Day 15: homework day and getting my self organized

Rachel Megan and Kristena in the Tube

The price of gas by the litre

Today I did homework and stayed in most of the day. Then when the other girls got home they told us they were going to go pick up Meghan from the theater. We went to Lancaster's Square and picked her up and then went home here are some pictures from along the way.

Day 14: school all day

This is my piece of fabric that I hand wove!!! Isn't it awesome!
Today was my busy day with class starting at 8:30AM. which means I had to get up at 6:30AM to get ready and get to class on time. In my first class I go to learn how to weave and was told to do more research about a designer who does interesting things with textiles in their designs I am going to choose Mark Fast who I think does really interesting things with textiles I also was told how to make felt and where to get felting supplies, so I think I will try my hand at it this weekend.

Louis Vuitton



In my second class Fashion Trends AKA Fashion Forecasting we are doing a group project where we Project the trends for next summer for a target market of our choosing my group picked women's evening wear, so we went to Bond Street to find some trends. We went to Browns a very upscale store and Louis Vuitton and Chanel.

After class we went to a Puerto Rico restaurant to have dinner and it was very good. Almost like Mexican, Almost.
I had a chickan Pitta with salad (which are
the veggies in the Pitta)

Day 13: Homework and a by night tour of London!

Admiralty Arch: a large office building in London which incorporates
 an archway providing road
 and pedestrian access between The Mall, which extends
 to the South-West, and Trafalgar Square to the North-East.
 It was designed by Sir Aston Webb, constructed by
 John Mowlem & Co and completed in 1912.
The London Eye! One of the biggest Farris
Wheels in the World!
Originally conceived by architects
 David Marks and Julia Barfield as an entry for
 a millennium landmark competition,
 the project took six years and the expertise of hundreds
 of people from five European countries to turn it into a reality..
You can see up to 25 miles in each direction
 with views over some of the world's most famous sights.

This is us on the Embankment bridge.
Looking out over the Thames River.

Parliament and Big Ben from the
Embankment bridge.

Our London Family

Parliament and Big Ben from the Westminster Bridge.

Parliament and Big Ben:The name "Big Ben" is generally known
 to describe the clock tower as a whole.
However, "Big Ben" is actually the principal bell within the tower.
 The site of the Houses of Parliament is the Palace of Westminster,
 a royal palace and former residence of kings.
 The House of Commons and the House
 of Lords conduct their sittings here.

Westminster Abby: The Collegiate Church of St Peter, Westminster,
 which is almost always referred to as Westminster Abbey,
is a mainly Gothic church, on the scale of a cathedral
. It is the traditional place of coronation
 and burial site for English monarchs.

This is a stone we found right next to Westminster Abby.

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace has served as the official London residence
 of Britain's sovereigns since 1837. It evolved from a town house
 that was owned from the beginning of the eighteenth century
 by the Dukes of Buckingham.
Today it is The Queen's official residence.

Trafalgar Square & Nelsons Column Trafalgar Square was built to commemorate
 Admiral Nelson on his victory in the Battle of Trafalgar.
 The square is now a popular site for political demonstrations,
 and is the site of Nelson's Column, which has four giant lions at its base.
 The square also boasts two water fountains.

This is the pub we saw its name is Sherlock Holmes!

Kristena and Megan In the front seat
of a Double Decker Bus.
Today I mostly just did homework and researched for some designers for my textile class.

Then when the girls got home Kristena had been invited to a sight seeing tour with a guy that we met on St. Patty's day so we went out to see the sights at night. We went and saw the London Eye and Big Ben and Parliament. We walked over to Westminster Abbey and to Buckingham Palace we also walked up the Mall to see the Admiralty Arch and Trafalgar Square & Nelsons Column and on the way home we saw a Pub that was named Sherlock Holmes!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 12 School Day

My outfit for the day
I have school at 8:30 till 1:15. Then I have to get somethings printed off at the library.

Here is and inside picture of my fashion
building I walk through those doors on the
left and then through a door.

into this hallway then I go down stairs

See the stairs and no unfortunately I
do not get a locker.

Then down some more stairs my class
is the door on the right.

This is my class room for portfolio

More of my classroom

More of the classroom

This is my textiles classroom which is back
up the stares and in the hallway when you come
in you take an immediate right.

This is my classroom for textiles.
Today at school was easy enough I had my Portfolio/Drawing class today and I feel I did alot better with my drawing and was a bit faster.

After class I went to the library to go print somethings off for class and I made a big mistake! I printed off all my research for my other classes in black and white and it was supposed to be in color, so I had to print it off twice. Och!

 I got home and went to go eat, and all my food was bad. I was so frustrated that I went to the first grocery store I came to and got a whole bunch of frozen meals! Then I went and took a nap, and now I am much better, so I had better get the rest of my homework done.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day 11: Lazy Day

Today was a lazy day I got my home work done and just stayed at the flat. I have to be ready to leave for school at 7:30.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day 10 sight seeing

Here is my outfit

Kensington Gardens

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace

From left to right Bao, Kristena, Meghan, Rachel, and me

Me in front of the gate

Me and Bao in front of the statue in front
of Buckingham palace.

Big Ben!

Me in front of Big Ben and Parliament

This is a statue Of our President Lincoln
Right across from Parliament

Me in a telly booth in front of Big Ben and Parliament

yes you have to pay to use the
loo in the Underground

The underground

walking through the underground

Me with a Street performer
at Piccadilly circus

My dinner at Planet Hollywood


Going down Into the tube
Today we are going to go watch the changing of the Gard in front of Buckingham Plaice and then we will go see Big Ben and Parliament and other sight seeing activity's!!!

So we went to Buckingham and they did not change the guards today but we still had tons of fun!