Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day 10 NYC: Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Its off to work we go!

This is me at the bus station
to get my tickets for the bus.

This is the Port Athority where we get
off the bus to go to work. From here
we walk about four blocks.

The New York Times's Building which is
in front of the Port Athority

The horrible hill we have to walk up and
down to go to and from work. This is the
street Joe and Stephanie live on.
Today no rest for the weary not only did we go to work, but we had to find our way to work a different way now that my friends live in New Jersey we have to take the Jersey Transit instead of the New York Transit which was a little confusing but I am glad to say we only take one bus. When we got to work it was already busy because this week is market week were all the buyers from the store come in to see what designs they think will fit for their stores. I had to make quite a few samples where I took the tag out of the old designs from old companies and put in this companies tag to give the buyers and idea of what was coming out this season. I did a flat in Color Matters by myself which took forever; more like 3-4 hours which I guess is ok since I just learned the program five days ago. Finally I did photograph’s of the samples that I took the labels out of for the company’s records on who liked what; which was fun cause I got to hear the Creative Director and the President of Merchandising give their sales pitch and there is a reason that they are what they are! They were so in sync with what questions the buyer would ask and with each other it was amazing to hear. After that we made the hour journey home and unpacked some of their stuff.

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