Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 41 NYC: Central Park

Today I got to have the day off to go see some of the sites. Me and Stephanie went out to Central Park after we slept in this morning. It was really interesting to see and we got some good exercise. This Saturday we are going to the Coney Island and the Brooklyn Bridge and then I will be tourist sited out. There are pictures that I took of central park that I will post later.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Day 40 NYC: Independance Day

Today was Independance Day and I did not have to go to work. We tanned in the backyard and had kind of a slow day. Then at 9 pm we are gonna go watch the Maceys fireworks which will be awsome!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day 39 NYC: work work work

Today we had work and man was it busy! The juniors department is still trying to get together their line for the spring 2013. Therefore I was mostly sketching and specking garments all day! It was so fun I also got one of the designers lunch and I checked in some fabrics in my spare time which there was not much of. Tomorrow we have the day off, so yea! Happy Fourth of July to everyone who is reading this still!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 38 NYC: Just another Manic Monday

Today was really interesting because the juniors design team had a meeting with Sue and they decided what to put into the line for the spring 2013 season the meeting lasted from 10AM till about 4:30 PM so I did not really get a lunch but it was very educational. This meeting is where they try on the Store samples they bought in Europe and decide what to do with them to make them fit their price point. One sample they had to make in a different knit. One, they could not put all of the sequins in that the original sample had in it. And a couple of them they had to do a more cost effective hem. It was really interesting to see because up to this point I have seen the end of what they do for the season this is the first time I got to see what they base their designs off of. After that I started to sketch what the design team had decided on and then when I and Stephanie got home we cleaned up her house a bit.

Day 37 NYC: Lazy day and True Blood

Today we had a lazy day and watched True Blood that was about it.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 36 NYC: Grocery Shopping and appitiser wine day

Today Joe and Stephanie went grocery shopping at this place named Casco and we also went to Wal-Mart too. This was weird because I have not been to a Wal-Mart in 4 months. We decided that we would each make two appetizers’ and then we got 4 wines and tried our appetizers’ with the different wines. I was a lot of fun.

Day 35 NYC: work and then China town and Little Italy

So work was a normal day with sketches and specifications sheets. Then after work we decided to go down to China Town and Little Italy to see it. I got a bag and some souvenirs’ at china town and then went and had dinner at Little Italy. Stephanie and Joe went and had dinner at China Town. Over all it was a pretty good day.